Shizen Remedy | DETOX
The "chlorophyll" in horsetail expels
excess substances from the body!

SUGINA a natural medicinal herb that is
the pride of Japan is a rare and highly
prized mineral of beauty and its silicon
also supports the prevention of aging

What is SUGINA?
What is SUGINA?
Rich in chlorophyll
which promotes diuresis and
eliminates toxic substances
from the body!POINT
1For Detox
One of the few plants
that contain silicon a rare
mineral that cannot be
made in the body and
is necessary for beautiful
hair skin and nails!POINT
2For anti aging
Compared to
spinach it has 155times
more calcium 5times
more phosphorus and
potassium and three times
more magnesium!POINT
3A treasure trove of minerals
① Rich in chlorophyll, which promotes diuresis and eliminates toxic substances from the body!
Horsetail is rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps plants with photosynthesis, and when it enters the body, it activates water metabolism, promotes diuresis, and eliminates excess substances such as cholesterol and dioxin. It also helps to eliminate excess water, which results in reduced swelling.
② One of the few plants that contain silicon, a rare mineral that cannot be made in the body and is necessary for beautiful hair, skin and nails!
SUGINA is rich in silicon (also known as silica), a rare mineral that cannot be made in the body. Silicon is contained in hair, skin, nails, teeth, blood vessels, and bones, and is one of the important minerals that are indispensable for maintaining life in the human body. Silicon is also a constituent of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and other substances, and it helps to strengthen connective tissue. When silicon is deficient, connective tissues become weak, leading to hair loss, wrinkles, and cracked nails.
③ Compared to spinach, it has 155 times the calcium, five times the phosphorus and potassium, and three times the magnesium!
SUGINA contains a variety of ingredients, the most notable of which is its high mineral content. Compared to spinach, SUGINA is 155 times richer in calcium, 5 times richer in phosphorus and potassium, and 3 times richer in magnesium. Taking in SUGINA, which is rich in minerals, can help regulate autonomic nervous system disorders.
- 1包を約300mlの白湯や水に溶かしてスギナ茶として。
- スギナラテ:
蜂蜜やアガベシロップ、メイプルシロップで甘味をつけてもおいしいです。 - スギナスムージー:
チアシードやスピルリナなどのスーパーフードやプロテインを入れると効果up! - クッキーやケーキなどお菓子作りにもよもぎのような風味が出るのでおすすめです。