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【NEW】Weekend Cleanse【2DAYS】

【NEW】Weekend Cleanse【2DAYS】


【2DAYS】A set for a thorough cleanse

Shizen Remedy "IMMUNITY"【Chaga Powder】

Shizen Remedy "IMMUNITY"【Chaga Powder】


「Drinking mushrooms」 that work miracles on the body

Refresh Beets 6pack set

Refresh Beets 6pack set


Beets juice, a "drinkable blood transfusion

【NEW】Beauty Cleanse

【NEW】Beauty Cleanse


【Juice & Soup & Curry】Great beauty benefits!

Reset Cleanse (New)

Reset Cleanse (New)


【Recommended for beginners】Cleanse menu renewed and made even easier to drink!

Frozen cold-pressed juices 4pack set

Frozen cold-pressed juices 4pack set


Trial Set! Also good for gifts!

【NEW】Detox Cleanse

【NEW】Detox Cleanse


【Juice & Soup & Curry】Great detox effect!

Raw Nut Tamari Soy Sauce Set

Raw Nut Tamari Soy Sauce Set

¥1,400 Soldout

【Also good for gifts】For snacks! Or a finger food!

Restocking request is available

Active Cleanse

Active Cleanse


For those who want to stay active and exercise during the cleanse!

Raw Cashew Nut Tamari Soy Sauce

Raw Cashew Nut Tamari Soy Sauce


【Very popular in stores!】Cashews rich in zinc and iron limited stock!

Beets and coconut curry 5pack set

Beets and coconut curry 5pack set

¥4,400 Soldout

【Beautiful skin, recovery from fatigue】Delicious, good-for-you curry!

Restocking request is available

Raw almond tamari soy sauce

Raw almond tamari soy sauce

¥720 Soldout

【Very popular in stores!】Almonds rich in vitaminE

Restocking request is available

ウコン 【自然レメディ"強肝 HANG OVER"】

Shizen Remedy "HANG OVER"【Turmeric Powder】


Curcumin promotes alcohol breakdown and activates liver function!
