This week, we received a delicious "Antenna Watermelon" from Emoto Emoto Farm, a watermelon shop in Kochi Prefecture!

This week, we received a delicious

Are you enjoying watermelon juice?
This week, we received a delicious "Antenna Watermelon" from Emoto Emoto Farm, a watermelon shop in Kochi Prefecture !

Each tree bears only one ball and grows evenly with plenty of sunshine. "It takes time and effort, but thanks to that, sweet, sweet watermelons grow," he says.

Kochi boasts fertilizer and soil improvement, "Ueda microorganisms are used, and watermelon juice that grows in wonderful soil is surprisingly delicious!

Summer is coming soon and I want to drink this juice in the heat! I feel. We use this antenna watermelon, although it is limited in quantity. Now on sale at the Ebisu store.

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