Special hassaku from Hiroshima Prefecture has arrived!

Special hassaku from Hiroshima Prefecture has arrived!

Special hassaku from Hiroshima Prefecture has arrived!

For a limited time, we use it as a seasonal citrus juice from the Ebisu store!
By all means, please experience the special ripe Hassaku that is packed with the passion of the producers.

Below, from Mr. Morisaki who harvested.

The mandarin oranges delivered this week are special!

"Tree-ripened Hassaku"
The sweetness is exceptional because it was grown on the tree until just before shipping.
Hassaku, Amanatsu, and Dekopon, which are usually harvested around February, have acidity remaining immediately after harvesting. increase. They don't grow on trees until this time, so it was the first time I ate them right after they were harvested, but I was surprised at how delicious they were. It doesn't look good on the outside, but the content is perfect!


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