The relationship between "May blues" and serotonin.

Golden week in the middle of the new year in April, the environment has changed completely.
Perhaps the origin of May blues is that there are many people who think, "Oh, it's a bit depressing to start everyday life again" after the holidays.
I think that there are many people who have spent this year's consecutive holidays more slowly than usual due to the declaration of a state of emergency and the request to refrain from going out. There are many people who say that they are lost.
We all know that what we eat has a lot to do with our health.
"Your blood pressure is a little high, so let's cut back on salt." Even if you don't (or don't care at all), it's clear that what you eat affects your health.
But don't you think that food can't help with mental health problems like "I feel a little depressed" or "I don't feel motivated for some reason"?
Actually you can!
The key lies in the neurotransmitter serotonin.
Serotonin, also known as the “happiness hormone,” has a calming effect.
In addition, it is said to be involved in the action of maintaining the quality of sleep and maintaining memory.
If this secretion is insufficient, the balance of the autonomic nervous system will be disturbed, and it will lead to mental disorders such as chronic stress and insomnia.
Serotonin itself is a substance that is produced in the brain (recently, it is also said to be in the intestine), so it cannot be taken in from food, but the nutrients that promote its secretion are tryptophan (one of the essential amino acids) and vitamin B6.
In May, there are days with unstable weather such as thunder and rain, but the temperature has risen, so orders for smoothies have increased at the Ebisu store.
Currently, we sell chaga cacao smoothies and Okinawan passion fruit smoothies that use chaga, which is a hot topic for boosting immunity.
In addition, tryptophan-rich banana almonds and vitamin B6-rich kale smoothies are available. Furthermore, since cacao is also topped, you can also take in theobromine, which is said to help the function of serotonin.
There are other ways to promote serotonin secretion.
② Soak up the sunlight (about 15 to 30 minutes)
So why not take a walk on a sunny day and have a green smoothie at Sunshine Juice Ebisu?
Mental health problems are harder to notice than physical health problems, and it seems that people tend to neglect them and fall into a vicious cycle.
Keep your autonomic nerves in balance on a daily basis, and get rid of the depression after the holidays and the loneliness of telework! I want to have a strong mental for stress.
However, it's still days when I can't move as I want, so please take care of yourself.